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How Long Does Permanent Hair Dye Last?

Unlike semi-permanent hair dye designed to last only a few shampoo cycles, permanent hair dye sounds like it will last forever. But is it true? Here's how long you can expect your dye to last and how to extend it.

How Long Does Permanent Hair Dye Last?

In reality, permanent hair dye will remain vibrant just as it was on the day you dyed it, at least until your roots grow out. For most hair types, this means 6-8 weeks between touch-ups. However, sometimes with permanent dye, color fading can occur within a few weeks.

Why does this happen? Typically, hair dye can dissolve in water. When you wash your hair, the dye molecules dissolve and your new color gets rinsed away. Of all hair dye colors, red is usually the most prone to dissolving in water. As a result, this color tends to fade the fastest.

This doesn’t mean you can’t have vibrant, long-lasting color with permanent hair dye; you just need to know how to maintain it. If you want to keep your new color longer, here’s what you need to do.

Try Oil-Based Dyes

Not only do they enhance the coloring, but these dyes also don’t dissolve easily when you shampoo, giving them more staying power. Try Garnier Color Naturals, enriched with almond, avocado, and olive oil to keep your color for up to 8 weeks.

Choose Natural

Today, you can get an entire range of shades with amazing natural ingredients and zero ammonia. Garnier Color Naturals is packed with fruit serums and vitamins to help nourish your hair—plus, it contains no ammonia!

Take Care of Your Hair

Color will fade more easily from damaged or porous hair. Use nourishing, color-safe treatments, conditioners, and shampoos for healthier hair and longer-lasting color.

These tips will help extend your color for 6-8 weeks as promised. Unless, of course, your eyes are drawn to another exciting shade first...