As a world's leading natural beauty brand, we have the opportunity to help create a positive impact by leading the way towards sustainable beauty that's accessible to all.

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More solidarity sourcing

We empower 670 communities as part of our ingredient sourcing programs.

By 2025, this will include 800 communities.


Greener and cleaner formulas

In 2019, our new shampoos and hair care formulas reached an average of 91% biodegradability*.

By 2025, we will create new high performing and respectful formulas for your hair and askin, powered by biotechnologies. Green Sciences, such as biotechnologies.



More recycled & recyclable packaging

In 2019, thanks to the use of recycled plastic, we saved 3670 tons of first use plastic. End 2020, Fructis bottles will be made of 100% recycled plastic in Europe and in the US.

By 2025, all our products will be made out of 100% recycled plastic and will be 100% recyclable, refillable or reusable.


More renewable energies

Since 2005, our plants and distribution centers have cut water by 45% and CO2 emissions by 72%.

By 2025, 100% of our industrial sites will be carbon neutral.




Proactive actions to fight plastic pollution

We joined the Ocean Conservancy to fight plastic pollution, mobilising a total of 373 volunteers during the International Beach Cleanup Day.




Working to protect the ocean

Since 1986, the non-profit and its volunteers have collected more than 136,000 tons of trash through their international coastal clean-ups, de-polluting beaches and waterways worldwide.


We did it!

On September 21st 2019, Garnier teams worldwide proudly joined Ocean Conservancy for its International Coastal Cleanup Day, to fight ocean plastic. Together, 6 tons of waste were cleared from beaches and waterways around the globe.

Visit Ocean Conservancy


Plastics For Change

This year we joined forces with Plastics For Change to support the holistic development of waste-picker communities and prevent ocean bound plastic in India.


Visit Plastics for Change

More solidarity sourcing

In 2019, our actions empowered 670 communities worldwide. By 2025, 800 communities will be part of our solidarity sourcing programs.

How does Garnier help farmers?

The Solidarity Sourcing Program gives those who are uncommonly considered within the job market access to sustainable employment and income. We are committed to implementing fair trade practices along the supply chain, working to support and empower farmers and workers to help them improve their incomes and livelihoods. We also provide training to improve their skills in agriculture and give them the latest knowledge on organic farming.

How does Garnier help the local economy?

We facilitate access to health services or welfare protection mechanisms for many of our smallholders. In 2019, our Solidarity Sourcing program enabled 670 communities facing social or financial challenges to gain access to or maintain employment and a decent income. We also work with NGOs to help empower communities through socially responsible sourcing or "solidarity" programs around the world.

Greener Sciences & formulas

In 2020, our new or renovated hair care formulas reached an average if 90% biodegradability*
*As per OECD 301 or equivalent tests.

What does sustainably source mean?

When Garnier chooses suppliers, we consider ethical issues, environmental impact, and social factors. We want our ingredients to be produced and harvested in a responsible and sustainable way. This includes farmers, land use, farming practices, local communities, and many other aspects of sourcing.

Why is sustainable sourcing important?

Garnier believes sustainable sourcing is crucial because our goal is to ensure that our renewable materials regenerate abundantly, enhance biodiversity, and mitigate climate change effects.

How can we protect biodiversity?

Through programs like the Respectful Bee Welfare Program, Garnier sources all bee-derived ingredients sustainably, partnering with responsible beekeepers and suppliers. Another example is our Solidarity Sourcing program in collaboration with PRONATURA, supporting 23 Mexican families in adopting organic farming practices and preserving biodiversity in protected reserves around their farms.

What is Garnier's sustainable sourcing strategy?

"We aim to have 100% of our renewable ingredients sustainably sourced by 2022. Garnier is fully committed to protecting biodiversity and the planet through green science, ensuring our products maintain high performance while advancing sustainability. Currently, over half of Garnier's ingredients are renewable, with a target to reach 100% by 2025."

Sustainable sourcing is also a priority for our packaging. In 2019, 100% of our cardboard box instructions and paper products have a sustainably managed forest management certificate.

How is Garnier greener?

"We have developed a new 98% natural resource-based formula and Ecocert certified organic skincare, continuously reducing the environmental footprint of our products. At our industrial site, we have significantly reduced our CO2 emissions and water consumption.

We source more of our natural ingredients sustainably every day, launching naturally sourced formulas in all our product categories. In 2019, we introduced a new organic range. We have improved the sustainability performance of our factories and reduced the use of virgin plastic in packaging while increasing the recyclable content."

What is Green Sciences?

Green sciences encompass all scientific knowledge, including transforming natural raw materials into high-performance materials through processes like extraction or fermentation, in a sustainable manner that respects the environment. Garnier harnesses the latest life science knowledge to showcase nature's power in our high-performance sustainable products.

What is green planting?

Green planting refers to agricultural practices that promote the production of natural raw materials while preserving ecosystems and minimizing environmental impact. This includes reducing water usage, carbon emissions, and waste production.

How to be responsible for beauty?

"Garnier is a pioneer in the transparency movement, disclosing the origins of our ingredients since 2017. In 2020, we are breaking new ground by sharing the environmental and social impact of our products through a powerful new environmental label.

Sustainable sourcing is also a priority for our packaging. In 2019, 100% of our cardboard box instructions and paper products have a sustainably managed forest management certificate.

How is Garnier greener?

"We have developed a new 98% natural resource-based formula and Ecocert certified organic skincare, continuously reducing the environmental footprint of our products. At our industrial site, we have significantly reduced our CO2 emissions and water consumption.

We source more of our natural ingredients sustainably every day, launching naturally sourced formulas in all our product categories. In 2019, we introduced a new organic range. We have improved the sustainability performance of our factories and reduced the use of virgin plastic in packaging while increasing the recyclable content."

What is Green Sciences?

Green sciences encompass all scientific knowledge, including transforming natural raw materials into high-performance materials through processes like extraction or fermentation, in a sustainable manner that respects the environment. Garnier harnesses the latest life science knowledge to showcase nature's power in our high-performance sustainable products.

What is green planting?

Green planting refers to agricultural practices that promote the production of natural raw materials while preserving ecosystems and minimizing environmental impact. This includes reducing water usage, carbon emissions, and waste production.

How to be responsible for beauty?

"Garnier is a pioneer in the transparency movement, disclosing the origins of our ingredients since 2017. In 2020, we are breaking new ground by sharing the environmental and social impact of our products through a powerful new environmental label.

More recycled & recyclable packaging

End of 2020, all Fructis bottles will be made out of recycled plastic and Garnier will save 7,000 tons of virgin plastic by reducing the weight of our packagings.
By 2025 Garnier aims for all packaging to be made from 100% recycled plastic, saving 37,000 tons of virgin plastic.
We are launching the 1st generation of tubes integrating cardboard for our organic skincare and the first solid shampoos with zeros plastic packaging.

What types of plastics can be recycled?

Most of the plastics used by Garnier in our packaging today are PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate), PP (Polypropylene), and PE (Polyethylene). These materials can be recycled and reused multiple times and are among the most commonly recycled plastic materials globally.

PCR plastic (post-consumer recycled) is obtained from plastic waste derived from consumer products. Garnier is committed to using 100% PCR plastic or bio-sourced plastic by 2025.

Garnier believes it is our responsibility to raise awareness about the recyclability of our products. We are developing videos and tutorials on different types of plastics and recycling processes.

How does Garnier reduce plastic?

We have based our forward-looking strategy for eco-design packaging on four core principles: using recycled materials, redesigning and innovating, reusing, and recycling.

  • Innovation

Some of our most exciting innovations in plastic reduction were launched in 2020. UltraDoux Solid Shampoo, our ultimate "zero plastic" solution, is packaged in 100% FSC-certified cardboard. Ultra-Doux Ecopack reduces plastic use in our shampoo bottles by 80%. Garnier Bio Hemp Moisturiser is packaged in a cardboard-based tube.

  • Existing Products

Our goal is to reduce the use of non-recyclable plastic in packaging and replace it with recyclable or recycled plastics. To achieve this, we are seeking a significant, preferably local, source of post-consumer recycled plastics and other sustainable materials. Working closely with packaging suppliers and plastic manufacturers, we are developing a robust supply chain for PCR plastics, aiming to achieve 100% usage by 2025.

  • Return

In 2019, our use of recycled plastic saved 3,670 tonnes of virgin plastic. By the end of 2020, all Fructis plastic bottles in Europe and the United States will be made from 100% recycled plastic. This switch to recycled plastic will save a total of 7,000 tonnes of virgin plastic by 2020. By 2025, all our products will be free from virgin plastic, and all our packaging will be recyclable, reusable, or compostable, saving 37,000 tonnes of virgin plastic annually.

  • Community

We collaborate with the NGO Plastics for Change to recycle tonnes of plastic, providing waste pickers in India with stable incomes and access to social services. We also believe it is our responsibility to encourage our users to recycle, thereby reducing plastic leakage into the environment.

How do we recycle plastic?

Recyclable plastics are collected, cleaned, and separated according to their type. They are then shredded, washed, melted, and formed into pellets or granules. These granules can be used to create new packaging.

The L'Oréal Group has formed a consortium with CARBIOS to advance biotechnology in recycling. Garnier will leverage the outcomes of this process to design new packaging, contributing to the promotion of a circular economy.

CARBIOS has developed an enzymatic bio-recycling process for plastics that breaks down polymers into their basic components (monomers), which can then be purified and reused to create plastics with the same performance as virgin plastics, maintaining their value throughout recycling.

How to reuse packaging?

Garnier is dedicated to promoting reusable or refillable systems, forging partnerships and pioneering new models. We have partnered with LoopTM in France to establish an innovative shopping platform that replaces single-use packaging with durable, reusable plastic packaging.

What is raw plastic?

Raw plastic is newly produced plastic that has never been used in a product or processed before. Recycling facilities take discarded original plastic from consumers and use it as their raw material.

Garnier aims to save 37,000 tonnes of non-recyclable plastic every year. We are redesigning our packaging to be reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025. By then, all our products will be made without virgin plastic, using 100% post-consumer recycled plastic (PCR) or bio-sourced plastic.

How does Garnier reduce the weight of their packaging?

Garnier is committed to reducing packaging weight and size by redesigning plastic caps and bottles, downsizing packaging, and eliminating unnecessary liners. We are also innovating towards plastic-free packaging and exploring alternatives to replace single-use formats. By lightening our plastic packaging, we saved over 592 tonnes of virgin plastic in 2019. Our goal is to achieve savings of 858 tonnes in 2020.

More renewable energies

Over the last 15 years, we decreased water consumption in our industrial sites by 45%, and CO2 emissions by 72%.

How to reduce CO2 emissions?

All our plants have been continuously working to lower carbon emissions by improving energy efficiency through better building design, insulation, and the adoption of energy-efficient technologies for industrial processes. Additionally, we are increasing our use of local renewable energy sources.

These efforts have resulted in a 72% reduction in our carbon footprint from 2005 to 2019. Our goal is for all our industrial sites to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025, using appropriate technologies such as biomethanisation, solar panels, biomass, and wind energy.

How to reduce energy consumption?

In our production facilities and distribution centres, we are committed to further optimising our energy usage, aiming to rely entirely on renewable energy sources by 2025.

What is a sustainable factory?

A sustainable factory is one that utilises renewable energy sources and practices carbon neutrality.

How to reduce water consumption?

"Garnier is re-evaluating its water usage across all sites to significantly reduce industrial water consumption. We already operate three 'waterloop' factories where all industrial water used for cleaning and cooling is treated, recycled, or reused. This eliminates the need for fresh water in these processes.

By treating and reusing high-quality water within our internal loop, we significantly reduce water consumption and the environmental impact of our factories. Our factory with three water loops saved more than 8 million litres of water in 2019 compared to 2018, setting an example for factories worldwide.

How does Garnier reduce their carbon footprint?

As part of our continuous efforts to minimise the environmental impact of our products, we are committed to ensuring that all Garnier industrial sites achieve carbon neutrality and transition to using 100% renewable energy within the next five years.

More actions to fight plastic pollution

In 2019, Garnier joined forces with Ocean Conservancy to fight against plastic pollution. September 21st, we mobilized 355 employees worldwide for the International Coastal cleanup day. On September 19th, 2020, we'll join Ocean Conservancy in the world's largest single-day volunteer effort against plastic pollution.

What actions will Garnier set to protect the ocean?

To make a positive impact beyond the beauty industry, we have partnered with the Ocean Conservancy, an NGO that has been working for over 30 years to combat ocean plastic. Together, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of ocean and beach cleanups and encourage our employees and consumers to participate in the Ocean Conservancy's annual International Beach Cleanup, the world's largest one-day volunteer effort to combat ocean plastic.

We also collaborate with the NGO Plastics for Change to ensure fair pay for waste pickers in India who collect discarded plastics, improve working conditions, and promote recycling.

What is plastic pollution?

Plastic pollution has become an urgent challenge in recent decades. Currently, more than 350 million tons of plastic are produced each year, yet only 20% of plastic waste is recycled globally. The remaining waste pollutes our environment. Today, over 75% of all plastic produced worldwide ends up as waste. Plastic pollution harms wildlife, natural ecosystems, and contributes to climate change.

How much plastic is in the ocean?

Up to 12.7 million tons of plastic leak into the ocean every year. By 2050, scientists predict that plastic will outnumber fish in the oceans. The world throws the equivalent of 1 garbage truck full of plastic into the ocean every minute. (Source: UN Environment Program

How does plastic enter the ocean?

Plastic pollution in our oceans primarily occurs when humans do not have the opportunity to dispose of their waste responsibly. Instead, their plastic waste often enters local rivers and eventually flows into the ocean. At the heart of this problem, much of today's plastic pollution is caused by business models that support single-use packaging, mismanagement of waste leading to plastic leakage into the environment, and a supply chain that now produces five times more new plastic than recycled plastic.

What are the impacts of plastic in the ocean?

More than 800 species of marine animals are affected by plastic pollution, either through ingestion, entanglement, or chemical contamination. It causes the deaths of millions of seabirds and marine mammals, with some species on the brink of extinction due to plastic pollution in the oceans. The ingestion of plastic by marine life leads to health problems that propagate up the food chain to larger marine animals and eventually to humans who consume them. Plastic in the sea also contaminates ocean water, reduces oxygen levels, and jeopardises the survival of marine animals, including whales, dolphins, and penguins. Birds and terrestrial animals get entangled in plastic on beaches, posing a threat to marine ecosystems. Microplastic particles floating in the ocean are toxic to all forms of life.

2021 Sustainability Progress Report

To provide transparent information about our practices, we've prepared the 2020 Sustainable Progress Report, detailing our actions since 2019.